All of the racism Democrats blame on 'America', or 'The South' or 'Whites'. was always Democrats.
ALL OF THE RACISM, ALL OF IT was Democrats.. They try to shift the blame for cover today!
Groups are pitted against each other as oppressed and oppressors. Man vs Woman, Gay vs Straight, Black vs White. This is to sow division and hatred, and gain political power
The same oppressed vs opressor strategy is used to sell socialist control. Socialism always devolves to tyranny, and murder, and starvation. Making everyone conform to complete goverment mandate is SLAVERY again.
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Democrats use a playbook of emotions, omissions, agenda talking points and more.. Over and Over. The deceitful tactics are researched, and documented
By change the meaning of words, it changes the debate, and makes it impossible to have a logical conversation.
By rewriting history, moving blame from themselves, they have confused Americans undersanding of Democrat involvement..
The demand for them to yell 'Racist' at Republicans, is so low, the Democrats milead and manufacture hoaxes and lies.
As Democrats are unable to win a debate of ideas, they opt to protest, censor and cancel their opposition.